Week 785

Sunday, 7th January, 2024

Glorious morning of clear blue sky and sunshine. My friend, Kevin, in North Yorkshire is excitedly expecting his football team, Huddersfield Town, to thrash Manchester City in the Cup this afternoon. I’m not quite as confident of that. I tried to tell him but he hasn’t taken the hint. I think I’m just too subtle for him.

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Here, Chef is excitedly expecting her second Ninja cooker in a week. This one is particularly suited to air roasting. Where to put it? Well that has been/is being solved. I move my wine racks. Of course. Why didn’t I think of that? Actually, it’s not a problem. I’ve got plenty of room to move them but it takes time and effort. I’m making room for a new, stainless steel, catering preparation table to be added to the catering cupboards outside in the Gym/Kitchen/Garage.

The afternoon has turned quite bitter as the sun has fallen. I’m feeling disappointingly lethargic. I’ve done a Gym session but have still got 30 mins more to complete before I can relax. I’m annoyed with myself for not achieving more today. I’m not doing as well as I hoped at the moment. Must try harder!

I’m aware I can be pathetically introverted and self-indulgent. When I was diagnosed with Cancer, it hit me like a ton of bricks both emotionally and psychologically. The word Cancer alone has such resonance in the modern world that it seems automatically existential. The treatment – hormones and loss of testosterone increasingly added to that. It populated my Blog just as it populated my head. I constantly told myself that I was being wimpish, that stiff upper lip was what I should adopt and that I shouldn’t publish it on my Blog.

I’m afraid I failed all those tests and I wasn’t really ashamed of it. Describing things, using words to define feelings enables me to measure, define, understand the world. Words are my tools of life. It taught me who cared and clearly who didn’t. Other than my wife who was unbelievably long suffering, some friends showed amazing support while others faded away. And I have come through it with a greater understanding of myself and them. And I am not alone in my journey. Lord Watson says,

The anxiety was as bad as the treatment. That word CANCER – it truly did me in. I grappled with fears of dying, sexual dysfunction, and even the prospect of wearing nappies before turning 60.

I know exactly what he means. It was never out of my head. It stopped me sleeping and relaxing. It made me crave reassurance. Tom Watson has been declared cancer-free as I have although I am still finding it hard to accept.

Monday, 8th January, 2024

Bitterly cold down here this morning – just 3C/37F and overcast. Actually put the central heating on for half an hour before getting up to give the downstairs a boost. Porridge for Breakfast really feels appropriate today.

These are difficult days if you’re working and going out in the cold and dark but they are equally difficult if you’re retired to motivate yourself and get going. To avoid the malaise, there are some things you can do:

  • Get up at the same time each day including the weekends.
  • Set yourself some goals for the day and the week.
  • Get outside in the fresh air early on.
  • Do a quick burst of cardio early on.

If I don’t have a list of tasks to achieve when I get up, I am a nightmare all day. Actually, I am a nightmare all day anyway but, if I’m busy, I’m more manageable. The tasks don’t have to be monumental and they do have to be achievable. Judge for yourself, Dear Reader.

  1. Put the bins out.
  2. Unstack the dishwasher
  3. Read Newspapers
  4. Contact friends & wish one Happy 74th Birthday.
  5. Start the day’s Blog.
  6. Rearrange the cardio equipment for the new table.
  7. Arrange for the cleaner to clean the Gym.
  8. Receive the new table delivered by FedEx.
  9. Do my 2hr exercise routine.
  10. Complete the Blog

Obviously, I could do a lot more but getting up with that list in my head gives me a reason to get out of bed before 7.00 am and to get going. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the days are already lengthening with extra daylight. The Summer is coming.

Tuesday, 9th January, 2024

Gorgeous morning. I’m helping the Cleaner finish the work in the Gym. New work table installed, cooking equipment set out, Gym equipment oiled and cleaned, floors cleaned. Now, all I’ve got to do is use it.

Actually, the Blog today deals with Life and Death. I will start at the end. Yesterday, my friend, Kevin, was 74. I almost wince saying the words but on the same day, it was announced that one of my boyhood heroes had died …. aged 74. He was one of the fittest men you could imagine.

John Peter Rhys Williams

J.P.R. Williams was a Welsh rugby union player who represented Wales in international rugby at the highest level. He also played Tennis in his early career at Wimbledon. He went on to have a sparkling career as an Orthopaedic Surgeon. He played rugby right into his early 50s. He died from bacterial meningitis. And so easily, Life can be taken away.

People who have been with me a long time know I have an ambivalent feeling about babies. I won’t rake over that again but I was told yesterday that I am going to be a Gruncle. No, I’d never heard of it before and I’m not sure I want to hear too much about it now. It looks too much like responsibility. Even so, I do go a bit gooey when I see babies even if they’re not Rebecca-Jane.

The Gym has been moved around and extra Kitchen furniture installed. The cleaner has been in and worked her magic. She’s even oiled the treadmill for me. I’m not practical. All I’ve got to do now is get out there and use it. I’m certainly glad I had the radiator installed. It’s quite bitter here today. Might be looking for extra sources of warmth.

Wednesday, 10th January, 2024

Beautiful but cold morning. Got some Office work to do this morning. Brain in the morning and body in the afternoon so I’ll be going out to my newly cleaned Gym. First, Statistics:

I feature quite a few supermarket trips in my daily Blog because … I visit quite a few supermarkets in my daily life. My Housekeeper has followed the recent shopping trend of researching things she wants/needs and decides on price/availability which supermarket to visit. Virtually every supermarket known to man (person) is within easy driving distance of our house – Sainsburys, Asda, Waitrose, Tesco, Morrisons, Aldi, Lidl – and we visit all at some time in the year. Probably, Sainsburys is our shop of choice.

Today, they sent me this. Now I love statistics and I am delighted to know that I visited Sainsburys 89 times last year and bought 2,619 portions of Veg or 7 portions every day and 3,943 portions of fruit which is circa 11 portions a day. Healthy or what?

Apparently, I was their No.1 customer for Kippers. Can you believe it? Such healthy, oily fish! I’m going to live forever. Oh, hard luck, Dear Reader! You’ve got me for life.

If you don’t like hot weather. This world is not for you. It is definitely getting hotter and last year was the hottest on record. We were mainly in UK last year and a large chunk of that was lovely. I love hot weather. I’ve often speculated on the Mediterranean countries’ over reliance on tourism and it is possible that they may become insufferably hot in the Summers to come. A heatwave in Greece is uncomfortable enough for the young and could prove deadly for the old. Of course, it was ironic to find this data released in the coldest week of the year.

Because I love data so much, I have signed up to work for the polling organisation, Ipsos Mori. No point in sitting around. Need to earn some money. Why not indulge my passion and make a profit? You have to admit, I am opinionated and reasonably articulate, motivated and I love data. I am a pollster’s dream. Well worth paying for! Why didn’t I do this before? I’ve missed my way. Too busy obsessing about other things, eh, Dear Reader.

Thursday, 11th January, 2024

Glorious, glorious morning. Couldn’t wait to get outside in the sunshine, Went down to the beach. It was all a bit fishy. Well, that was one reason for going.

We had ordered a joint of Sushimi-Grade Fresh Tuna and thought it would be nice to pick it up ourselves this morning. There were men on the jetty fishing for their Supper, with a trawler returning quite late to replenish the fish shop and the lovely suppliers who always have good things to eat.

My friend, Kevin, responded to yesterday’s Blog with a photo of his week’s shop from Aldi. I told him I was shocked how much wine he bought and that he actually ate shop-bought bread. He found that very funny. Who has ever heard of Cheese Curls or Kellogs Winders? Anyway, he has got tomatoes, beans and green vegetables but I suspect most of that is for Christine who is a vegetarian. He challenged me to provide a total price. My Housekeeper guessed £65.00 (What do you think, Dear Reader?) which was the same as our 2kg joint of fresh Tuna. Haven’t heard back yet other than his laughter at the idea of shop-bought bread being remarkable.

Friday, 12th January, 2024

The forecast said that we would be freezing last night. Almost guaranteed we didn’t fall below 7C/45F. Even so, it was grey and overcast this morning and I had to work hard to get myself out of bed. Something is definitely missing at the moment and I’ve got to find it again.

After one failed try, we are going back to the retiling of the downstairs cloakroom project. I mentioned before Christmas that we have a wooden floor and I have singularly failed to train my wife to aim accurately. The wood has to come up. As she is to blame, she is allowed to choose the replacement …. as long as it is BEIGE. We don’t want any wildly bright colours! I’ve told her, she can choose any colour she likes as long as it matches this ‘test’ sample.

We went out to another tile suppliers and I gave her free reign to choose this tile which she did … eventually. The biggest problem is getting a tiler to do the work. Fortunately, we have a builder friend who is giving us the number of one of his trusty tilers. The tile shop say the ordering time is 3 – 4 weeks so we hope we can marry the two up together.

Cancer Kills! It kills many people. It kills people whether they think they are fighting it or bemoaning their plight. It kills young and old. It kills those who think they have beaten it and those who don’t know they have it. Cancer is a killer. So many people around my age have been reported to be suffering and dying from cancer in the past few months and I have become increasingly sensitive to the reports.

Yesterday we learnt that Sven-Goran Eriksson, former England Manager, is reported to have less than 12 months to live because of pancreatic cancer.

Today, I read that a lovely man, the Rochdale, Labour MP, Tony Lloyd, is suffering from terminal Leukaemia after being in intensive care for Covid and being diagnosed with cancer a decade ago and declared cancer-free in 2020. Cancer-free is just a resting house en route to terminal cancer for many.

Saturday, 13th January, 2024

Keep receiving texts from my Surgery exhorting me to book my Annual Review. Obviously I’m far too busy for that! What will they find this time? My friend, Kevin, who only drinks 5 bottles of wine a week and a few pints of beer was told he was drinking too much. Can you imagine that? Whenever I’m asked by a medic, I always turn the tables and ask how much they drink before I lie to them.

6pm after leaving the Gym – Not bad!

Unfortunately, my Carer has booked me an appointment and, before that, I have to submit a record of my blood pressure taken twice a day for a week. Exercise has definitely improved my blood pressure but I also have to take a urine sample which will be pure alcohol. Actually, I have been instructed to stop drinking so I can say when asked how much I drink that I don’t drink at all. Works for me. Do you think I’m missing the point of a Medical?

This Summer, it will be 10 years since we sold our Greek home and left Sifnos. On this day in 2011, I booked the Anek ferry to take us and our car from Ancona down the Adriatic to Patras on the Greek Peloponnese. Couldn’t believe it when I checked this morning but the whole return 24hr sailing with Luxury cabin cost just £500.00 back 13 yrs ago. Today, it would cost about £1,200.00 which sounds cheap today.

It is incredible and quite frightening how time goes on. For a decade or more I have held mobile phone contracts with EE who are owned by BT and are almost certainly the best provider. Before that, I was with Three, T-Mobile and BT. I take a contract for two, 5G mobiles and each has unlimited data, calls and texts. They give me the ‘free’ add-on of free roaming across Europe and America in spite of Brexit. The contract for two phones and numbers cost £160 per month and last 24 months.

Each time I renew the contract, I am offered new phones. The contract is up in May but they are getting worried about customer churn and have contacted me today to offer me an early upgrade to new phones if I sign another two year contract. It will cost a bit more – £200.00 per month but I will certainly sign it. My mobile has become more important to me than my iPad nowadays. We currently both have Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultras and I will probably just go on to the S23 upgrade. The other little person who lives here has a hankering for a large phone but one that folds and fits into a handbag. Got to check them out in the flesh next week.

About John Sanders

Ex-teacher and Grecophile. Born 6/4/1951. B.A. Eng. Lit & M.A. History of Ideas. Taught English & ICT.
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